Exploring The Benefits Of A Wild Spa Day Retreat
“The trees are about to show us how beautiful it is to let go”
In a quest to discover more about the effectiveness of what a day retreat would deliver I happily found myself heading off to The Enchanted Glade Wild Spa in West Sussex . This day retreat was called “Breathe” and had been put together by one of The Holistic Directory Member’s Anya Lukover.
The event had fallen on the New Moon and Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse, the perfect time to let things go and rise anew with a fresh perspective.
The “Breathe” Wild Spa Day Retreat with Anya Lukover At The Enchanted Glade
Our day included in no particular order:
Qi gong - Qigong (pronounced ‘chee-gong’) - A meditative practice that uses movement and breathing techniques to boost your immune system.
Sound Healing Journey
Cacao Ceremony
Wild Spa - Sauna - Cold Water Plunge - Hot Tubs
Banquet lunch
Chill time for hammocks, quiet time, reflection
Sister circle
I had experienced some of these modalities for restorative healing before although Qigong was a new one for me , certainly something I was looking forward to.
When we think of taking a break our busy mind can transport us straight off into booking holidays to far flung places or a swift city break to get away from it all.
Isn’t that what we are always trying to do… get away from it all. But, what we often fail to recognise is that the “it all” that we are trying to get away from is in fact ourselves, our chattering minds, our constant demands, our never ending lists of wants, needs and expectations.
Whilst both options of having a holiday or city break are of course very attractive, when you are burnt out and stressed out, even taking one day in the right environment for you to really connect, to pause, to breathe properly and realign can actually be more effective than the “big trip”.
And this is what I have just had the pleasure of experiencing.
The week leading up had been hectic, so much so the night before it had been pointed out by my family that my eyes were not only puffy but bloodshot and I was feeling pretty wiped out… it’s been a busy year.
Approaching the glade I was met with my first encounter of joy as a female deer appeared in front of me as if to give me the nod that today was indeed going to be a special day. On my return from the retreat and Intrigued to learn more about the significance of the deer on your path I couldn’t help but smile as it stands for regeneration and resurrection.
The regeneration was certainly soon to take place.
On my arrival I was warmly greeted by the wonderful Anya, as I stepped through what felt like a portal to a different world. The wood smoke and incense smells were already beckoning me to calm, there was a beautifully set space for gathering around the fire and I found myself in the presence of eight other (I was soon to learn) powerhouse divine women. As Anya welcomed us all in I immediately realised just how much I was in need of this and actually how worn out I really felt.
As we all began to settle in, Anya set the tone for the day with guidance on what we could expect, and then we were asked to open with two words on how we were feeling followed by what our intentions were and what we wanted to release and let go of.
I am very much an introvert (despite what some people may imagine) and I can find group work challenging but the resonance between everyone on this day felt very pure, I was at ease. After our declarations were made and sprinkled with lavender over the fire we headed off into the glade for my first experience of Qigong.
We had been warned a little that we would be stretched to shift and move some of what may be holding us back and once more Anya had received messages from her guides and a song for us all to sing and work with before commencing the Qigong movements and release work.
Now I was definitely feeling a little out of my comfort zone but I calmed, felt my feet sink into the dewy grass below and reminded myself that comfort zones were lovely and all that but nothing ever grows there and I was ready to move.
And move we did.
We performed a series of movements each relating to different parts of the body and we combined this with some tapping, and voice work… it was powerful and although a little unusual to begin with, I was already experiencing the shift.
It was during the Qigong movement relating to grief that my second animal spirit made an appearance as I was buzzed by a dragonfly. The dragonfly is deeply important to me and I smiled again at the significance and the messages I was receiving. Dragonflies can symbolize going past self created illusions that limit our ability to change, they also represent hope and new beginnings.
We followed up with some nice restorative spa and sauna time and I had the pleasure of sharing with other women in the group as we were able to explore and dive into our intentions, the things we were looking to release and those that we were desiring to bring in.
Our conversations were peaceful, warm, insightful and supportive. I felt seen and heard.
I could breathe…..
Wise Words From The Enchanted Glade
I did not take the plunge into the cold water on this occasion but I can see the benefits it brings and it’s on my list for next time as there most definitely will be a next time.
After finishing up with our sauna and steam we were back in cosy clothes and gathering around to enjoy the most delicious banquet that had been put together by Anya and her mother. Including and never to be forgotten a cherished family tradition of toasting to new beginnings with a boiled egg. It was perfect and the food was delicious.
I felt nourished…..
Unwinding in The Wild Spa Hot Tub
As we finished our food and joined in circle once more I witnessed the glow up.. Each and every one of us looked different to how we did when we entered that morning. The frowns had been turned upside down, the smiles and inner glow clearly present.
To close out our perfect day we were heading off to The Red Tent for our Sound Healing and Cacao ceremony. As we entered the tent once again, tender and thoughtful gifts from Anya had been carefully prepared and were ready and waiting for us in our goody bags.
Following a recent trip to Croatia Anya was guided to introduce and work with the essence of Lavender at the Breathe retreat and the calming restorative properties of this essence were imbued throughout the day. We had been welcomed in with lavender tea and now, presented with these thoughtful goody bags we were going to energise some of the gifts inside.
Anya spoke and talked to us of what to expect with the sound healing we were encouraged to take out the lavender oil and give our feet a gentle massage, again, another moment of the day encouraging us to check in with our body. The lovely Deborah had been assisting throughout the day and was now cooking up the Lavender Cacoa. As we each took a sip we, once again focused on our intentions and what we would be taking away with us from the day.
The sound healing was magical in every way although I am not sure where I went to throughout that, I just know it was definitely doing the work and the Lilac Amethyst crystal from our goody bags was placed on my third eye to enhance my crown chakra.
As we came out of meditation we left to complete our day in a silent walk around the forest, it really was the perfect close to a very special day.
As a retreat host Anya really was exceptional and many of the ladies on the retreat were returning after a visit earlier in the year. I can see why. In fact as the day was ending we were all quizzing when the next would take place…
Yes it was that good.
Anya is trained in Kinesiology, Belief Coding, Shamanic Clearing, Spinal Flow healing, Emotional Freedom Technique & Matrix Reimprinting which are her main tools she uses to facilitate transformation within her clients, alongside teaching Qigong. She combines these tools & teachings with her own gifts...
These are the things she is qualified to teach but her very essence is something else, Anya is an authentic, wise and very empowering healer who sets the tone for deep transformation to take place within you. Her divine feminine intuition, empathy and listening ability make her a perfect person to facilitate healing and hold space for others with warmth and no judgment.
There are many words I can offer to how this day made me feel but I think I will end this article with deep gratitude, gratitude to Anya for presenting a well thought out transformational event and bringing the magic, gratitude to all the other women I shared the day with and gratitude to me for choosing me, for showing up and for remembering to Breathe.
Our day did not just stop there, The Enchanted Glade was just the beginning as the bonds that were formed and the sharing within the circle has continued within a supported group, we have all had a lot to process from the day. I have continued to chant the song that Anya shared with us and the power and activation from that alone has been incredible.
Another great take away I feel, is to actually start a daily practice of Qigong. I found it fascinating and can really see how the benefits of these movements stimulate certain organs of the body and how this will increase vitality and being in tune with what my body needs. Thank You Anya, I am converted.
To conclude with my reflections on a day retreat I would like to recommend that when booking one you will consider distance. Fortunately for myself the rather magical Enchanted Glade is only a 45 minute drive from my home which was perfect. I do feel if you are going to do a day retreat then in order to feel replenished and so you can process everything the distance for travel would be a recommended under 2 hours unless you are finding somewhere to do an overnight of course.
To stay in touch with Anya and find out more about her next day retreat you can connect with her here at The Holistic Directory.