Ruby Brown
CEO - Features Editor
What a journey of self discovery and personal development this has all been in bringing The Holistic Directory and The Holistic Journal together with many stop- starts along the way.
I have certainly had my own personal struggles with mental health, addictions and the myriad of knock on effects that felt insurmountable from layered trauma.
Alcohol was my crutch for many years and chaos was it's sidekick, never ending cycles of turbulence ensued and finding my way back has been wild, and challenging, heartbreaking and heart-opening.
I was never "enough of a problem" to be picked up by the system and continued to hold things together but at what cost.... burnt out and broken I began to find my way back.
Finding tools for my own transformation has been a real work in progress but as many of you know starting before you are ready is key in pretty much most things, and It was with a hopeful heart I set about bringing together the best of the best in the world of health and well-being.
These days I can mostly be found sipping on a Matcha (my new coffee kick) , chatting with the wise and the wonderful experts and business’s featured here, sharing these incredible healing modalities with you. No one is coming to save us, our true empowerment lies in making these choices for a healthier, happier life and they are all here at your fingertips.
I really look forward to connecting and communicating the messages of healing to you all.
With Love
Ruby x
Dr Olubunmi Aboaba
Recovery Enhancement
Widely recognised as an award winning therapist, author, speaker and coach Olubunmi is now also part of the directory team and will be joining myself in hosting lives and interviews. If you do not yet know her then you are in for a treat… her warm and welcoming essence is infectious and she brings a great deal of humor , love and inspiration to all she does. You will be able to reach out to Olubunmi with any questions and as Water Members you will benefit from direct leadership with her own Signature To Success modalities she shares.
Chloe Keane
Editorial Assistant
Chloe is an absolute delight of a human being, I am so thrilled to have her on board as she has such a passion for all of the many healing modalities and is herself doing a great deal of personal development and deep learning in the ways of the divine feminine.
Chloe also brings many practical skills to our journal site where there are always an abundance of jobs to be done. There really are angels that walk among us..