Yuletide - The Winter Solstice - A Time For Rejuvenation & Dreaming
The winter solstice also known as Yule, arrives as the sun makes its transit in astrological Capricorn between the 19th and 23rd of December. Traditionally celebrated on the 21st December, the longest night. The sun appears to stand still for 3 days, 21st to 24th December. The Sun God who died and is buried by The Goddess at Samhain is reborn. The Holly King of winter battles the Oak King of spring and summer and is defeated. The Oak King lives, the light returns. On the 25th of December the Sun God is restored, the light is restored.
We celebrate the end of darkness and the new beginning. Even out of the darkest, deepest night of the year comes a promise of days to come that are once again full of light and warmth. Death and rebirth.
What lessons this turning of the wheel brings. The symbolism of Yule shows us that as we navigate our own dark and difficult experiences, chaos, loss of hope, pain, it teaches us that we can endure. That out of our difficulties comes understanding, learning, appreciation and survival. Yule is about promise, possibility and imagining, the story of the phoenix who dies, in what seems to be complete destruction, only to be risen again from the ashes.
We are taught that the cycle of the sun as it dies and reawakens, depicts for us that life goes on eternally. The never-ending spiral of goddess.
Hibernation. The winter solstice reminds us to rest, to take stock of resources and our own needs. Spending time to be still, that is the main focus of this season. Our ancestors knew this, so if you are urged to retreat to The Cave, you are definitely in tune with the wheel of the year.
Within my tradition we use the weeks from Yule to February to enter the time of dreaming. Our circles close, our gatherings pause, we focus on our family, our own home and wellbeing. We take this time to become intuitive and support ourselves so we can renew and rejuvenate for spring, fresh and ready to work and sow the seeds for the next cycle of the year. Prepare the seeds of our new year, our new start.
Yule is a celebration of our resources, a celebration of our hearth and home. We consider and give thanks for the value of togetherness and family. Connection, dedication, support and love between our nearest and dearest. We celebrate the Light and honour the darkness. Yule is about facing the darkness and transforming it into light. We love them both the same.
Your Personal Immersion
As the Winter Solstice draws closer your subtle energy will also be taken inwards to your own darkness. To give attention and compassion to your inner world of heart, mind and body.
This has been a year of harsh realities, challenges and change. We have all deepened our reach for spiritual connection and understanding. Expansion into unknown realms and possibilities. You may feel exhausted, overwhelmed, in need of personal time to accept, reassess and process your own life experience. This is the time dear one. A time to immerse yourself into this portal of divine light, the Solstice brings an open doorway to work with the energy of rebirth. There are sacred messages held within this time of Yule, sacred messages sent to your heart. This intuitive guidance is sent as a direct message to your soul self, your heart space and is decoded for you to incorporate into your own personal healing and transformation. This journey is a spiral and will continue as we learn and relearn about aspects of ourselves. Let the winter solstice be a guiding light to this healing.
It’s ok to be alone, to dream and take time away from the chaos to be in the cave. Be creative, be open to ideas… to rest, to sleep, to take care of yourself. The weeks from 21st Dec to 2nd February are the Dreaming times.
Ways to Celebrate
Decorate the home with Holly, Pine, Willow, Oak. The colours Silver, light blue, green, gold and red all symbolise the light and connection to the earth. Use candles to represent the light. Create a small altar of winter items, pinecones, pine needles, real Christmas trees. Drink wassail cider or mulled wine to symbolise the abundance and celebrate the sun gods return.
Create a fire on Solstice to burn in your hearth, sprinkle on pine needles. Feel its warmth as a reminder of warmer days as the sun returns each day now. Keep some of the ashes from the fire to protect the home in months to come. Place these on the threshold once fully cooled.
Hang Mistletoe, this centuries old tradition is said to bring magic and love into the home. Strengthening bonds of loved ones, rekindling love and friendship.
Share food and cider with close friends and family on solstice night, a celebration at the depth of winter. Grateful for the resources we have to sustain and survive these darker months.
Observe the sunrise and sunset with celebration and gratitude. Music, song, candle light… lo behold the light returns. Oh return, oh return.
Personal Action
Sit yourself outside under a clear sky, somewhere you get an expansive view of the stars and celestial bodies. Be warm, maybe light a fire or candle. Just sit and focus upwards on the hugely expansive universe we exist within and allow yourself to utterly expand into it. Breathe deeply, each exhale expanding your energy further and further outwards. Feel the universe within you, see the stars and light growing within your body. Breathe Deeply. Now bring to mind a negative or destructive situation in your life right now. One that affects you. Allow yourself to feel all of the emotions held within you that this situation evokes. Take your time so that you can feel strongly the effects of this focus. Begin to exhale deeply and slowly, allow and imagine that every out breath removes these emotions, pain, hurt from your body and it dissipates into the vastness of the universe, continue until everything has left your body. Close your eyes and sense the enormous space you have created within yourself. Now imagine a glow of light within you, your inner light. See it, feel it, empower it. As you do the light grows stronger and more powerful until you are completely full of this divine light from the universe.
From this bright glow a word or a phrase will emerge to your mind, it will illustrate the bright spot within this situation, listen carefully. How might the words you receive help to change your perspective or actions around this situation? Use this sacred technique whenever you face darkness or difficulty in your life. Be still. Be soothed. Be healed.
Solstice Moon
Surrendering, I am gently moving in your watery flow. Silken silver threads weaving into my energy. Drawing out the heaviness, you cleanse me. I let go and give you, my fear. Caressing the flow of my own magic....
Reflected, I am seen in your light. Just as I am. My nakedness absorbed into you, as I disappear within your depths. Swimming in your glow, it’s now that I am certain you are guiding me. I awaken to the mysteries that you gift to me.
Submerged, I go within, observing my own ability to let go and allow your healing to engulf me. Drifting in your sacredness. In my vulnerability I realise my own strength. I see myself in your mirror and know my resilience and inner power.
Held, in your gentle embrace sacred moon mother, safely wandering, meandering...weaving delight as we dance together, you and I. Awaken me to your mysteries and shine upon me always.